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What is the difference between dns pointing and dns forwarding ?

DNS Pointing and DNS Forwarding are two different methods used to manage DNS resolution, but they serve different purposes.

**DNS Pointing:**

DNS pointing, also known as DNS hosting or DNS management, involves configuring the DNS settings of a domain to specify which DNS servers should be responsible for resolving that domain's records.

1. **Primary Use:**

   - DNS pointing is used to direct a domain name to the correct set of DNS servers that will provide the authoritative DNS records for that domain.

2. **Configuration:**

   - In DNS pointing, you typically log into your domain registrar's website (where you purchased the domain) and specify the DNS server addresses provided by your hosting or DNS service provider.

3. **Authority:**

   - The DNS servers specified in DNS pointing are considered authoritative for that domain. They hold the official records for the domain, like A records, CNAMEs, MX records, etc.

**DNS Forwarding:**

DNS forwarding, also known as DNS relay, involves a DNS server passing DNS queries it receives from clients to another DNS server, usually a higher-level DNS server provided by an ISP or a public DNS service like Google's

1. **Primary Use:**

   - DNS forwarding is used by DNS servers to offload the task of resolving external domain names. Instead of resolving every query itself, it sends requests to another DNS server.

2. **Configuration:**

   - In DNS forwarding, you configure a DNS server to forward requests for external domain names to another DNS server. This is often done in the DNS server's settings.

3. **Authority:**

   - The DNS server that receives the forwarded request is responsible for providing the final answer. The forwarding DNS server acts as an intermediary.

**Key Differences:**

1. **Role:**

   - DNS Pointing is about designating authoritative DNS servers for a domain name, while DNS Forwarding is about offloading DNS resolution tasks to another DNS server.

2. **Configuration Location:**

   - DNS Pointing is configured at the domain registrar or DNS management console where you manage the DNS settings of your domain. DNS Forwarding is configured on a DNS server.

3. **Authority:**

   - With DNS Pointing, the designated DNS servers hold the official records for the domain. With DNS Forwarding, the forwarding DNS server acts as an intermediary between the client and the resolving DNS server.

In summary, DNS Pointing sets the authoritative DNS servers for a domain, while DNS Forwarding allows a DNS server to forward queries to another DNS server for resolution. Both play important roles in the DNS resolution process.
