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How do I troubleshoot common DNS errors, such as NXDOMAIN, SERVFAIL, or REFUSED ?

Troubleshooting common DNS errors like NXDOMAIN, SERVFAIL, or REFUSED involves identifying the underlying issue and taking appropriate steps to resolve it. Here are steps for troubleshooting each of these errors:

### NXDOMAIN (Non-Existent Domain):

**Description:** NXDOMAIN indicates that the domain name queried does not exist in the DNS.

**Troubleshooting Steps:**

1. **Double-Check the Domain Name:**

   - Ensure that you've entered the correct domain name. Check for typos or misspellings.

2. **Verify DNS Configuration:**

   - Check your DNS settings to ensure they are correctly configured in your DNS management console or on your DNS server.

3. **Check Domain Availability:**

   - Confirm that the domain you're querying is registered and active. You can use a WHOIS lookup tool to verify domain registration.

4. **Examine DNS Server Availability:**

   - Ensure that your DNS server is operational and reachable. You can test by querying other known domains.

5. **Inspect Authoritative Nameservers:**

   - Verify that the authoritative nameservers for the domain are correct. Use an online DNS lookup tool to check the authoritative nameservers.

### SERVFAIL (Server Failure):

**Description:** SERVFAIL indicates that the DNS server encountered an internal error or is misconfigured.

**Troubleshooting Steps:**

1. **Try Again Later:**

   - Sometimes DNS servers may experience temporary issues. Try querying the domain again after some time.

2. **Check DNS Server Configuration:**

   - Verify that your DNS server's configuration settings are correct, including forwarders, root hints, and zones.

3. **Inspect Firewall or Security Software:**

   - Ensure that there are no firewall rules or security software blocking DNS queries.

4. **Examine DNS Server Logs:**

   - Review the logs on your DNS server for any error messages or warnings that might provide insights into the SERVFAIL error.

5. **Check for Network Issues:**

   - Ensure that there are no network connectivity issues between your DNS server and the authoritative nameservers.

### REFUSED (Query Refused):

**Description:** REFUSED indicates that the DNS server is refusing to respond to the query.

**Troubleshooting Steps:**

1. **Verify DNS Server Configuration:**

   - Double-check the configuration of your DNS server to ensure it is set up to respond to queries for the domain in question.

2. **Check Access Control Lists (ACLs):**

   - Ensure that any access control lists or firewall rules are not preventing queries to your DNS server.

3. **Inspect Authoritative Nameservers:**

   - Confirm that the authoritative nameservers for the domain are reachable and operational.

4. **Test with Another DNS Server:**

   - Try querying the domain using a different DNS server (e.g., a public DNS service like Google's to see if the REFUSED error persists.

5. **Review DNS Server Logs:**

   - Examine the logs on your DNS server for any error messages or warnings related to refused queries.

6. **Check for DNS Rate Limiting:**

   - Some DNS servers or services may implement rate limiting to prevent abuse. Ensure that your query volume is within acceptable limits.

Remember to document the steps you take and any changes you make. This information can be valuable if you need to involve others in the troubleshooting process.
