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UI and UX Trends for 2020

As a designer, I'm expected to be up-to-date with the industry. By the nature of the work and what resonates within the consumer, I thought I should make a list of emerging developments within the UI / UX world based on this year's results and the innovations that will be mainstreamed in 2020.

Growth of 5G in 2020

Growth of 5G in 2020

The fifth-generation of Cellular Network Technology is here and it's called 5G. It is supposed to be as much as 100 times faster than the current 4G networks, with up to 25 times lower delay or lag time, with up to one million users covered within one kilometer. Five technologies should sum up the foundation of 5 G: millimeter waves, small cell networks, large MIMO (several inputs, multiple outputs), beamforming, and full-duplex bytes.

The implementation of this technology would reshape other sectors and certainly impact the UI / UX world by making it flock to speed, customization, and innovative designs.

3 Major UI Trends for 2020

3 Major UI Trends for 2020

1. Mindful Design: Whether you're designing pictures for your company and clients or creating your sketches (comics, sketches, and so on), you need to shift towards originality this year. Stock pictures and templates will take a step backwards and will not help companies stand out.

2. Intricate Illustrations and motion effects: In 2019, the use of complicated graphics and motion effects was a real problem due to responsive designs and 4G constraints, as it affected the website rankings and did not launch at all for some users. We cannot ignore that with the arrival of 5G, as everyone will be able to design their website or app without facing any of the previous issues.

3. Inception of dark themes: Almost all major websites and apps are switching towards dark themes and in 2020, this will be more prevalent.

Three Major UX Trends For 2020

Three Major UX Trends For 2020

1. Getting rid of loading screens: The concept is common to any UX designer. If a page takes more than a few seconds to load, it is good etiquette to put a loader to inform users of the process. We've seen a spike in innovative loaders in 2019 and it's already been a major change from generic ones. Again, 5G will play a big role here in the demise of loaders as the speed will allow any computer or mobile to load instantly and appropriately.

2. Voice Search will be big: As a big believer in voice technology, I firmly believe we are on the edge of seeing this technology's final stage of maturation. A lot of searches are now done by voice, and with the launch of apps like Alexa and Amazon Echo we're confident that's just the beginning. So developers are ready to embed voice in most of your designs.

3. AR and VR will take over: Both AR and VR will take over entertainment, education, industries, healthcare, gaming, and much more. These technologies aim to make our life more interactive and useful and the trend will continue in 2020.

We at Royex believe that website should comprise of all the needed elements & should be technically built well to make it a tremendous UX. Visitors will enjoy and respond well if your website is user- friendly. You should take care of your looks so that it should not affect the image of your business. At Royex, we try to be up-to-date with all the latest UI and UX trends and incorporate them in our work. If you are interested in our UI/UX, Graphics, Web designing services, then kindly contact us at or call us at +971-56-6027916. Royex, the leading website design company in Dubai can help you create effective and eye-catching websites that will increase your business image and give your business a high conversion ratio.
