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Share your Gifts

According to research, it has shown that there are 7 out of 10 people feel they’re not creative or not living up to their creative potential.

So recently Apple has released the newest addition entitled “Share Your Gifts” featuring music from 16-year-old singer/songwriter Billie Eilish. The story is about a teenage girl and her dog. The girl likes to keep her creation in a secret box. But creating without sharing is like buying a wonderful present—and then locking it away.

So one day they're let out into the world by her dog and enjoyed by everyone around her. She discovered that everyone really enjoys her hidden talents. This theme encourages Mac and iPad users to share their creativity with others.

Do you think, this ad will help those people who are thinking they are not creative? Will this ad help inspire them to avoid their self-doubts and fears?

 Let’s watch the ad and give us an opinion of yours.. 
