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15 Creative Brand Design Ideas That Will Set the Trends for 2021

In this era of the internet, your brand design is the first thing that can make a good impression on your audience. It’s important to rethink your brand design each year in keeping with the trends. You need to adopt modern and cutting-edge designs to avoid getting labeled as old fashioned. Many of the successful 2020 design trends will continue this year too along with a few brand new ones. Here, we gathered the best brand design trends for 2021 to help you stay relevant to the viewers’ eyes. Read on to know more.

The previous year 2020 experienced great turmoil in businesses across the globe. All sorts of online brands have seen exponential growth during the Corona outbreak. You need to consider easy navigation, fast speed, enhanced security, and aesthetic graphics while creating any brand design elements. Incorporate the following ideas into your brand design to keep pace with 2021 trends. 


1. Make Use of Faces

Make Use of Faces

Personalizing a brand is one of the best branding strategies recommended by industry experts. It’s better if you can create a brand voice and visual identity that interacts well with your audience. Humans like to see other humans. Putting a face in your design can help you greatly to add personality to your brand. You can humanize a brand with an illustrated representation of a human face. You can also add a cartoonish tone to the design. These lifelike artworks will be trendsetters in the upcoming days.


2. Apply Unorthodox Art

Apply Unorthodox Art

Based on your target audience and business niche, you should introduce something exceptional to turn heads. Use different forms of quirky art if your audience is mainly youth and easygoing. Funny, cute, peculiar, whimsical, anthropomorphized animals, you can make use of any of these themes ensuring the presence of design aesthetics. Never stop experimenting with designs. If an offbeat design complements your brand, feel free to use it. If you can't do that on your own, contact a reputed website development company in Dubai.


3. Embrace Muted Colors

Embrace Muted Colors

Some people still have a strong love for vibrant, futuristic colors. But most designers now prefer muted colors that look soft and soothing to the eyes. Muted colors refer to mild colors that are desaturated from bright colors. The use of these subtle colors is on the rise now. So embrace this trend to showcase your brand to the online world.


4. Use Geometric Patterns

Use Geometric Patterns

Patterns and geometric shapes have hypnotic effects on peoples’ minds. You can use large or small blocks of repeated patterns in your branding materials. Geometric patterns don’t work the best as logos but you can use them efficiently in advertising, t-shirt designs, webpage backdrops, swag, or printed menus. Avoid implementing sophisticated patterns that may distract viewers from checking out your products or services. Use dark and muted colors along with simple geometric patterns to give your brand an aesthetically pleasing visual with a minimalist feel.


5. Create 3D & Immersive Effects

Create 3D & Immersive Effects

Though 3D designs are not something new, they’re dominating in the design industry for the last couple of years. And this trend will continue in 2021 too. 3D designs combined with flat illustrations, photographic images, and animation can create amazing, lifelike, and hyper-real visuals. Good 3D visuals can create immersive experiences and engage users for a long time, resulting in less bounce rate and more conversions. 


6. Keep It Minimalist

Keep It Minimalist

Minimalism is there, reigning the design realm across all forms of media. You’ll see frequent use of minimalist designs in landing pages, social media posts, logos, newsletters, and other printed materials too. This trend will last for a few more years for sure. Minimalist design looks very elegant and sleek with a focus on the products and services of the company. These visuals are not distracting and convey a precise message to the visitors. Moreover, minimalist designs are more responsive to multiple screen sizes. That’s why minimalism will stay trendy as long as mobile marketing remains in effect. 


7. Create Interactive Slide Decks

Create Interactive Slide Decks

Slide decks were globally accepted in 2020 and this success continues to 2021 as well. Social media, namely Instagram and LinkedIn has successfully used slide decks and got numerous views. You can also take inspiration from here and create interactive slide decks to promote your brand and build brand awareness. At Royex, our designers leverage trendy designs in all their tasks. You can rely on us as we’re one of the best web development companies in Dubai.


8. Accept the Return of Flat Icons

The mechanism of trend works like a cycle. Something new becomes trendy, it loses its relevance, and then again comes into existence. The same thing is happening now to flat icons and 2D illustrations. Yes, it’s true that 3D is taking over the design sector but a large number of designers are bringing flat icons to life. You can create a simple yet classy look with these powerful visual tools. 


9. Add Motion to Brand Logos

Logos play a pivotal role in building a brand’s identity. An attractive logo can draw visitors’ attention longer than an ordinary logo. How can you upgrade your logo? We suggest you add motion to your design. The use of motion logos may reach an unprecedented height in 2021. So, add motion to your brand logos to set yourself apart from your competitors.


10. Integrate a Dark Theme

Most people spend at least 3 hours watching different content on their smartphones. This long exposure to device screens leads to screen fatigue, eye-strain, and other health issues related to vision. A dark mode can prevent these difficulties to some extent. Already big companies introduced a dark theme along with their regular interface. It's high time to integrate a dark mode setting for the user’s welfare. If you can’t do that, you’ll fall behind in 2021. Darm mode is more of a necessity than just a trend.


11. Consider Overlapping Designs

If you want to maintain minimalism and flaunt artistic beauty at the same time, overlapping designs can be a great choice. You can add multiple layers to your images and get improved visibility, keeping ample white space around the core design. Overlapping designs are simple yet engaging. These simply gorgeous designs are going to rule in the coming years.


12. Use Asymmetrical Designs

The trend of pixel-perfect brand design is old now. People no longer seek perfection in designs, instead, look for something a bit rough on the edges. Asymmetrical patterns, disproportionate imagery, and scribbled wrings are the new trends to watch out for in 2021. You can give your brand a distinctive look and unique identity with such designs. But these asymmetrical designs may not go well with every brand. If your target audience belongs mostly to the young and countercultural generation.


13. Use Nature-inspired Designs

Natural elements are the source of inspiration for designers. From the very beginning, people are moved by the graceful beauty of nature. Natural lights, earthy colors, color gradients, patterns, flowing lines, etc. design components can be reflected effortlessly in brand designs. Natural textures such as wood, stone, water have the immense potentiality to be transformed into great designs. Besides, you can create an aesthetic design just by using real-life photos with a subtle touch of graphical content. This trend of natural designs will never get old. So, make the best use of nature-inspired designs in 2021.


14. Employ Different Texts & Fonts

Typography designs have experienced a significant transformation in 2020. And they’re still relevant in the design world for their playful and creative display. Both 2D and 3D typographies gained popularity in the last year. You can choose a relatively unconventional typeface and font to attract visitors. And don’t forget to combine well-written microcopies with well-designed typographies. It’s not only how the texts look like it’s also about what is written there. You can also create text videos to inform your visitors about your brands. No matter what texts and fonts you use, make sure to keep the design clutter-free and easily readable.


15. Flaunt Your Authenticity

Nowadays, every website and mobile app look so well defined, polished, and consciously written that they look pitch-perfect with no flaws. This somehow creates a notion of inauthenticity. You know, nobody is this perfect in real life. You can increase your brand’s authenticity through designs. Make sure the stock photos look more natural. Try to incorporate user-generated content in your designs. Promote behind the scenes and your company’s work culture via social media or websites. You can also run social campaigns to fight against an important cause like global warming, rapes, and the like. Increase your brand’s authenticity by integrating these events and photos in your design elements.  


We all know that 2020 was a tough year for everyone around the world. The main challenge for 2021 will be to spread positivity, hope, and love to each other. Brand designs have the potential to create a positive vibe through aesthetically pleasing, thematic, and meaningful designs. The design trend is shifting towards human emotion, connection, and friendship from merely sales and transactions. Keep these things in mind to carry on with the brand design trends for 2021.


At Royex, we try to be up-to-date with all the latest UI and UX trends and incorporate them in our work. If you are interested in our UI/UX, Graphics, Web designing services, then kindly contact us at or call us at +971-56-6027916. Royex, the leading website design company in Dubai can help you create effective and eye-catching websites that will increase your business image and give your business a high conversion ratio.
